"What is League Night," some of you ask, eyes glistening with innocence and curiosity. I will replace your curiosity with rabid excitement and your innocence with a sly wink of inside knowledge! League Night is a day of the week set aside for those of you who hunger for more than casual weekend throwing. It's a night for competitors to come together and compete against each other, and against the world, for the title of League Champion! Mere mortals fawn at the feet of such champions, and shower them with gifts! It's also an opportunity to enjoy the company of a new group of friends: to laugh and cheer, eat and drink, and generally create a hullabaloo with some rapscallions.
"What League, though? How does competition even work?" Piqued your interest, have I? Why, none other than the World Axe Throwing League, or WATL, as you have seen it on the bottom of our target boards. Every year, WATL hosts four League seasons; an Axelete's ranking in these seasonal Leagues determines whether or not they are qualified to advance in their bracket, with the peak bracket invited to the World Championship for that year! The event is broadcast on ESPN, but the real reward is a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Just kidding. The rewards are money, trophies, gifts, and axes. Tons and tons of awesome axes.
With this Winter’s season already finished, official League rankings for 2020 may have closed, but that doesn’t mean we’ll be idle. You see, it really is the *World* Axe Throwing League. If you want a shot at the big time, you’ll need to not only out-throw your local League mates, but also your arch-rivals in Poland and Australia. Especially the Australians. You’ll want the winter to hone in your aim, get the coaching Blue Ridge Axe Throwing will provide, find your favorite axe, and heat up your arm for Spring 2021. It starts much sooner than you think...
"Supposing I was interested… when and where would this be held?" An excellent question. Traditionally, these competitions are held atop a cliff that is no less than a mile high, on the stormiest nights with the most dramatic lightning, accompanied by 100 Axe Monks chanting in Mongolian Tuvan. Such locations are increasingly hard to come by, however, so we have settled for meeting on Thursdays from 7-9 PM at the Blue Ridge Axe Throwing range. Axeletes should also not be surprised when other Axeletes invite them to barbecues, movie nights, bars, horse races, chainsaw juggling displays, and impromptu NERF wars.
“Well, that sounds kind of cool. Sign me up!” No, YOU show up. October 22, 7-9PM. All the paper signing and email notifications and whatnot happen after. Those are formalities. Formalities come after axes.
Stay sharp.
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